Shelf Media hosts the annual Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition for best self-published or independently published book. In addition to prizes, the winner, finalists, long-listed, and more than 100 notable books from the competition are featured in the December/January issue of Shelf Unbound.

Shelby’s life is about to change forever. Not only are her parents getting divorced, but her best friend of eleven years is not who she seems. Embark upon an adventure with Shelby as she transports around the globe discovering the truth of who she really is and the origins of her forgotten family. Along the way, you will step into a world of unforgettable characters who will help Shelby learn of a great power she possesses… a power she will need to understand because one day she just might need to save them all.
About The Author: Suzy Rosenow
I am a wife and mother of six wonderful children. We live happily in Arizona enjoying blazing hot summers and blissfully mild winters. My favorite pastime is hanging out with my family.
The inspiration for my book came from raising children with anxiety. I wanted to write a story that showed that it is possible to overcome that anxiety when we realize who we are and the power we have within ourselves to overcome any obstacle that we face.
“I was waiting for you to get there.” She was digging through her bag trying to find something. “Of course, you are, you’re from our world.”
I found myself breathing faster. Was I hyperventilating? Probably. This had been the most baffling day of my life and it just wouldn’t end. Ashley pulled out a book and set it beside her.
She took my hand and said, “Take a deep breath and stop asking me questions. You’ve had enough information for one day.”
They called for first class passengers to board the plane, so we stood and got in line. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders. I could do this.
I felt like I was walking in a dream that I would wake up from any minute. Nothing seemed real. Once on the plane, I curled into a ball, and went to sleep.
My brain was on overload.
I found myself sitting in a chair in a dark room. Beyond me, far in the distance, I could see a shaft of light coming through a partially opened door. Someone or something was moving toward me. I was terrified and wanted to scream but couldn’t.
My arms and legs felt like lead. I couldn’t move to get away, so I sat there waiting as it moved closer and closer. I was suddenly surrounded by hooded figures that were blocking my view of the light.
Every part of me desperately wanted that light.
Something warm and peaceful rose up within me, a strength I didn’t know I had filled me and loosened my limbs. I stretched out my arm, light shot out of my hand and surrounded me. It pushed all the darkness and all the dark figures away in one mighty burst of power.
Then I jolted awake.

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Article originally Published in the December/January 2020 Issue “2019 Indie Best Award Winners”