Tell Us A Little about You.
@Wildlandpages: I’m a bookstagrammer originally from Finland and now living in London, UK. When I’m not working either at my day job, on my bookstagram, or have my nose buried in a book, I love drinking copious amounts of coffee, knitting, and going wild swimming. I also cannot pass a dog or a cat anywhere without saying hello!
Tell Us A Little about your Bookstagram account And How It Got Started.
@Wildlandpages: I started my bookstagram in the beginning of 2019 when I felt like I needed an outlet for all my book feelings. It was also a convenient new hobby because I love reading and, as it turns out, really enjoy photography, too! My account is a mixture of cozy bookish photos and reviews, but the books I’ve read or want to read are always the main focus.
Who is your Favorite indie/small press author and why?
@Wildlandpages: I recently read and loved Laura Kate Dale’s Gender Euphoria. She is the editor of this essay collection about experiencing joy as one moves away from one’s birth-assigned gender, but she also wrote quite a few essays in it, and I loved each one of those.
What is your all time favorite Summer book?
@Wildlandpages: Summer is often a time when I indulge in a good classic or an otherwise more challenging read, and can tackle heavier or more intellectually demanding books more easily, so I tend to save some of these up for this season. Some of my summer favourites have been Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, and Kudos by Rachel Cusk.

Name: Wildlandpages
Books Read Per Year: The current average is around 90-100 books
Favorite Genre: Contemporary Fiction

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Article originally Published in the August / September 2021 Issue: Summer Reads