Author Interviews, Book Recs, Excerpts and more

From the Earliest Visions to the Graphics of the Modern Era by Ron Miller forewords by Carolyn Porce and Dan Durda Before the publication of …

“e is for e. e. cummings” In about 1960, my father showed me some poems by e. e. cummings. (Note: not E. E. Cummings.) For …

The hybrobus stopped right beside the river checkpoint, like Rauden said it will. The driver wore a mask.  They generally check your Pass real good …

Mother and I always sat out in the backyard whenever the moon was full. It seemed bigger and brighter in Westchester, where there was not …

Shelf Unbound: What’s a typical starting point for you in writing a story, for example the boy coming of age in the title story, with …

Shelf Unbound: What’s a typical starting point for you in writing a story, for example the sisters who think their older brother keeps a girl …

Shakespeare’s audience did not have to look far to see the stars: A wooden canopy projected out over the stage, and its underside—known as “the …

Shelf Unbound: Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade reintroduces the Excalbians, first seen on televisionin 1969 in season 3. Describe the Excalbians and why …

Shelf Unbound: You first wrote about Colorado ranchers Ben and Renny in Hell’s Bottom, Colorado, in which they were dealing with the immediate aftermath of …

Shelf Unbound: You’ve written an extraordinarily literary dystopian novel. What drew you to a dystopian theme? Sandra Newman: Well, technically, The Country of Ice Cream …