Author Interviews, Book Recs, Excerpts and more

By Corinna Kloth A Compilation of Newly Released Translated Literature. 1. Self Portrait in Green by Marie Ndiaye Translated from French by Jordan Stump Who …

BY ANTHONY CARINHAS Thank you for joining us today, Andrea, I’m excited to discuss your novel Theatre of War in our summer issue. I also …

Fictional figures can teach us valuable lessons about pushing our limits and reaching for greatness. Today, let's compare two iconic literary characters, Hercules and Frodo Baggins.

In our Featured Indie Bookstore column we dive into a hidden gem of a bookstore. This issue we have Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn, NY.

It is every writer's dream to one day hold their work in their hands as a book. But do you need a degree to be a successful author?

Review by Jenna Zerbel, Orange Hat Publishing | Ten16 Press Wesley Derek Fulstarter fancies himself a hero, but his quick temper keeps him in hot …

To learn more about the perspective of young authors in today’s publishing world, I interviewed three young authors—Meadow Schmidt, Maggie Beeler, and Michael Evans—who shared their thoughts about their own journeys.

By Alyse Mgrdichian When people think of storytelling, they usually think of words – like how we tell bedtime stories or write fiction / nonfiction …

Young adult fiction continues to become one of the most popular genres – mostly for adults. Join us each issue to find your next YA read.

DIONNE IRVING is originally from Toronto, Ontario. Her work has appeared in Story, Boulevard, LitHub, Missouri Review, and New Delta Review, among other journals and …