Bookstagrammer @SheReadsandTravels

Name: Julia

Books Read Per Year: Around 50, but it depends on the year!

Favorite Book: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

Favorite Genre: Currently romance

Favorite Author: I’d have to choose a few favourites: Taylor Jenkins Reid and Emily Henry, but it changes quite a lot.

Tell Us A Little About You. 

@SheReadsandTravels:  I’m a 29 year old literary content creator, writer, and mental health professional based in the UK. I’ve loved reading all my life and live with my two guinea pigs Toffee and Domino. 

Tell Us A Little About Your Bookstagram Account And How It Got Started.

@SheReadsandTravels: I started my Instagram account in the summer of 2016, shortly after I graduated from university but before I found my first full time job. I remember it being a very spur of the moment thing in the middle of the night, where I just thought, hey, I could do that too! I rebranded my account from @juliasbookcase last summer (although my website still uses the same name for now). It was all a very impulsive thing in the beginning, so it’s quite amazing to see how far it’s come.

Who Is Your Favorite Indie/Small Press Author And Why?

@SheReadsandTravels: This is probably a bit of a wildcard but I’m a big fan of Emma Cruises on YouTube and she’s self publishing her first children’s book soon! I’m very excited to get it.

All-time Favorite Indie Book?

@SheReadsandTravels: It has to be Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorn. Fantastically for her it has recently been picked up by a publisher, but was initially self published and I absolutely adored it. The book’s basically about two women in a fantasy land who run off together to open a bookshop/coffee shop. It’s brilliant.

Tell Us A Bit About Why The Bookstagram Community Is Important To You.


I honestly don’t know where I’d be without the bookstagram community. Over the last 8 years I’ve made so many amazing friends, and I really enjoy connecting with readers from all over the world. I feel so lucky to be part of such a wonderful community and I really treasure it.

It’s the same with reading itself – I don’t know who, or where I’d be without books.  

Summer Indie Reads magazine cover

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Article originally Published in the Summer 2024 Issue: Indie Summer Reads

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