G.P. Putman’s Sons
Marie Lu has done something wonderful—taking Renaissance-era elements of kingdoms, aristocracy, and nobility and mashing them with her own unique spin to create a supernatural, yet realistic new world. The Young Elites is an edgy, dark, intense thrill ride.
The “Blood Plague” has swept through the nation. To most, the Blood Plague was fatal. And of the children who survived, many were left with strange markings. Adelina, for example, had black hair that turned silver and a scar where her left eye used to be. Adelina, now known as no more than a useless “Malfetto,” is a disgrace to her family and all of society. However, some children infected by the Blood Plague are rumored to be left with more than just scars: There are rumors of children who now possess powerful gifts—The Young Elites.
Adelina now sits on trial knowing within minutes she will face her death. Rescued by a rush of wind, fire, and smoke, she awakes to find herself inside the Dagger Society, a group of the Young Elites who seek other survivors of the Blood Plague and plan to take what they believe is theirs—the right to rule. Her vow: “I hereby pledge to serve the Dagger Society, to strike fear into the hearts of those who rule Kenettra, to take by death what belongs to us, and to make the power of our Elites known to every man, woman, and child. Should I break my vow, let the dagger take from me what I took from the dagger.”
Adelina will have to learn to control and grow her abilities or she will be faced with more than just being cast out of the Dagger Society. “If I cannot pass their tests, then they will do to me that they must have done with the boy who could not control the rain. They will kill me,” she says.
She will soon have to battle herself in a fight between love, truth, and family. Adelina will make new discoveries not only about her powers, but also uncovering secrets from her past. Only one thing is clear: Adelina holds a gift, a power darkness that is not of this world. “It is my turn to use. My turn to hurt.”
—Sarah Kloth