Indie Review: The Storm Over Paris
A Renaissance War
I wasn’t sure about William Ian Grubman’s book The Storm Over Paris. I know nothing about art or art history, and the cover intimidated me. It was the WWII era that convinced me to give it a chance.
Mori Rothstein should have listened to his wife when she said they needed to get out of Paris. Poor choice? Perhaps. As an art collector and connoisseur Rothstein has a soft spot for the masterpieces Hitler is stealing and he decides to take on a vigilante mission to right Hitler’s many wrongs as he snatches up innocent Jews and wreaks havoc on the world. Mori’s self-induced penance for failing his family? Perhaps. With the help of his sons, a friend, and his wife, Mori gives the Nazis a run for their money. Mori’s family’s sacrifices are startling as they hide themselves and their deeds in plain sight. Peril, strife, and many consequences commence.
You don’t need an art history degree to keep up with the story. It’s heartfelt and superbly told. There are some unsightly formatting issues but I believe you’ll be able to extend grace as you’ll be so enthralled by the pace and the desire to get the Rothsteins out of Paris. Grubman suspends disbelief and paints a masterpiece of underground suspense you won’t soon forget.

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Article originally Published in the August/September 2020 Issue The Historic Edition.