By Chrissy Brown | C.A.A.B. Publishing

Well, yes.
Why would you not want to show off your work, and let your readers know about upcoming projects, events or books?
This can be a lifeline and a way of connecting with the buying public. But also, a way of connecting with other authors, podcasters and people who might be able to help you on your literary journey.
A website can tell a prospective reader all about you and the genre you write in, it can turn them on to your style of writing, it can get them interested in other books you have written, and it can let them know when you will be available for book signings and other events.
If you are looking to make a living out of your books then you should have a way for fans to contact you, they may have questions that only you can answer, or they may want to invite you along to events. This is also an opportunity to have a way for them to buy from you. Signed copies can be highly sought after.
Have nothing published yet? You should still get a website and author page started.
You may not be published yet, but that shouldn’t stop you. Agents and publishers may look around for any information about you and a great author page could pique their interest.
You might want to start a blog or simply add updates on the progress of your work, you can put up any short stories that you write, or advertise any books/magazines that publish your work. If you win a writing competition, put it on. Meet a famous author? On it goes. You could keep a diary on the site, detailing your writing struggles and let others know they are not alone.
This can help create interest and followers for your social media.
(P.S. Make sure you are utilizing social media to the fullest.)
Even if you are not particularly tech savvy, you can always ask other authors what platforms they used for their author pages or get a friend to help.
Take a good look at what type of site will work for you, how much is it? Will it let you have a selling page? Is it good for those that are not technically minded? Can you list books and add photos? Does it incorporate a calendar or a blog?
Many authors say they tried three or more sites before finding the one that worked for them. So, there is no rush. Just find one that you understand and that offers all you need. Some webpages can cost a little money, some can be expensive, and some are free. It all depends on your budget and your requirements.
There are tutorials out there for most sites. Use them.
A great idea is to look at other authors webpages and see how they have set them up.
It can give you new ideas and you might be inspired by what you see.
Be careful not to put too much of your work in progress on your author page, it may put off a potential agent or publisher if your work is all over your site and free to read.
But if you are self-publishing, go for it.
Do put on a profile picture, if you can, and a way to contact you. A bio and any links to work that is available to buy.
Keep it updated, keep it fresh.
Start a list for newsletter receivers.
You can make them bi-monthly or twice a year, or just send one out when you have news that your readers might find interesting.
Good luck and have fun.

Penfold Towers is just another tower block in London, but this high rise made of glass and steel has many stories to tell and many strange things can happen in just one day. Things that may make you smile, cry, or feel the true terror of Penfold Towers.
Written by a talented bunch of authors, each story is a day in the life of a resident of Penfold Towers. The same day, but for each character this day will end with their lives changed forever. Available on Amazon.
C.A.A.B Publishing

CAAB Publishing Ltd is a traditional, small, indie company helping unknown authors have a voice and inspiring new writers to take that first step into the world of publishing.

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Article originally Published in the September / October / November 2023 Issue: Global Reads.
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