Podster Magazine Best Undiscovered Podcast Competition
The ins and outs of residential construction are demystified so you can better manage and care for your house in this podcast. We talked to host Michelle Nelson.
Podster: What is the premise of your podcast?
Michelle Nelson: I started BYHYU so, together, my audience and I could learn the basics of home design and construction. I’m teaching listeners the knowledge that I’m acquiring as I prepare to build my own home. It’s like we’re a big study group, and I’m the study group leader— a student teaching other students.
Since a house is the biggest investment that most of us will ever make, the goal is to simplify the design-build process so laypeople can make informed decisions about that investment. The show helps anyone who wants to become an educated consumer, even if they prefer to buy, rather than build, a new house.
I’m betting that if we educate ourselves BEFORE we break ground, building our homes will be much easier and more enjoyable (and probably cheaper too).
The show empowers people to build high quality dream homes, with, or without, a general contractor.
Although initially produced for laypeople, to my surprise, BYHYU has attracted new builders and new house flippers as regular listeners.
Podster: How do you go about selecting guests/topics?
Michelle: Topics and guests are chosen based on my interests and educational needs (since I am my target audience). I also take into account the requests of my listeners.
Most shows are mini lessons which cover design trends or building materials and methods. Complex construction jargon and best practices are explained in easy to understand terms.
There are also interviews with industry professionals and owner- builders, so listeners know what to expect during the building process.
Podster: What do you hope your listeners will take away from your podcast?
Michelle: The confidence and competence to make smart decisions about their homes.
People sometimes spend more time researching and educating themselves about a $500 smart phone, or a $2500 vacation, than they spend educating themselves about their house, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. My goal is to give laypeople a good foundation of knowledge so they can get the biggest bang for their buck.
Many contractors like to do things the way they’ve always done them, even if better options are available. I want to give my audience the information they need to intelligently make decisions, and even suggestions, about what’s best for their home.
My hope is that we end up with dream homes that are well-built and energy efficient, and not just pretty. Well-built is the New Pretty.
Michelle listens to:
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