Have you ever felt like a peon amongst giants?
by D.L. Graser
Reading through articles in last month’s Shelf Unbound Magazine I began to feel as to who am I to share my thoughts amongst so many well-versed experienced writers. Many whom have no problem staying within the rules of the English language, typing words so eloquently bringing forth a well composed sentence.
Feeling an inferior complex begin to tingle the hairs on the back of my neck and invade my thoughts, I looked for my chocolate chip cookies.
A half dozen cookies later, I told myself to knock it off, I am a beginner at this writing stuff. I need to keep going if I want to succeed as an author.
So, grabbing my coffee, I sat down to write this article and wondered if anyone else ever felt like this.
Fictional writing is fun. I never knew how much fun until I began to place words on paper to create characters. They become anything you want, good, bad, funny, serious, loving, grumpy, you choose.
You have been wanting to write a fictional book for some time now, it’s been moving about in your head and for some strange reason you can’t get started. You read other’s work and long to write your own book, but don’t.
Sit down and start. If your imagination takes a little jiggling and wiggling to get it awake, that may be because you have not exercised it very much. Imagination needs to be worked. We all have an imagination, so find yours and get it moving.
Next dust off your laptop and write. It doesn’t have to be prize winning at first, you may get there, but your thoughts on paper motivates you to keep going. Next take those thoughts combined with your imagination and watch what happens.
Never mind how this one or that one writes, or even what they write about. Be you, take the idea you have and just write. It’s your book, you can make it whatever you want it to be. Most of all have fun, challenge yourself and don’t compare yourself to others. Comparisons may pull you down and could cause you to sit another ten years before you get the confidence up to try again.
Writing is fun, so enjoy!
D. L. Graser
Moustache and Macintosh
From Within
Life lessons from a first-time children’s book author.
D.L. Graser, was born and raised in the Midwest and has traveled worldwide with medical missions volunteering her time and talents for over twenty years. D.L. Graser has always dreamed of writing a fun book.