Excerpt: Hotwheel by Aja Moore

About the Book:


Poetry. Women’s Studies. 

Aja Moore’s debut collection of poetry is awash in sincerity and the ways in which we simultaneously crave, doubt, avoid, and totally disparage it. 

HOTWHEEL, in turn, reveals its precious life-affirming conviction, despite its incertitude–or precisely because of it. 

Read an Excerpt:

Featured in Aug/Sept 2019 Issue: Fierce Female

All her books arrive for me

My thing is putting a buncha shit on hold

Then paying close attention 

to what arrives, and when 

My other thing is walking to and from the downtown library every day via the Georgia

Viaduct and getting a Costco hotdog for lunch  The whole perfect day costs a dollar sixty-three

On Friday after work I take her home 

I exhaust her  I deck her outwith sparkling Paint Tool Reverent gifs I calculateher birthtime (Embarrassing)  and decide that a person with their sun,

Venus, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio could absolutely write when he’s left.  I feel like a landscape

Fuck, Sharon thanks for this   logic. What a strange and strict tradition

The equating of  men with their Earths

As if  Nature weren’t literally the most Giving force there is The very condition of  all life

Of  course I try to write a poem that requires honesty   Sort of  about how when my brother (You deserve it) runs too close to the edge of  the road my fear becomes (ton-ally,energetically) rage

But also about I hope the night my mom collapsed and I paced back and forth in our then apartment drinking hating and then drinking again two litres of  flat warm Diet Pepsi It was sweet

My brother was there too, asleepthe whole time which is probably why I didn’t go for a walk in retrospector something He was so small and my favorite and I lay holding him very still

A way-too-big spoon I saw us from above, two skins If  he stirred or moved at all I would die

In that moment  I could not afford for him to be capable of  leaving me 

If  he had I would’ve died  

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