Shelf Unbound: What’s a typical starting point for you in writing a story, for example the boy coming of age in the …

Shelf Unbound: What’s a typical starting point for you in writing a story, for example the sisters who think their older brother …

Shakespeare’s audience did not have to look far to see the stars: A wooden canopy projected out over the stage, and its …

Shelf Unbound: Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade reintroduces the Excalbians, first seen on televisionin 1969 in season 3. Describe the …

Shelf Unbound: You first wrote about Colorado ranchers Ben and Renny in Hell’s Bottom, Colorado, in which they were dealing with the …

Shelf Unbound: You’ve written an extraordinarily literary dystopian novel. What drew you to a dystopian theme? Sandra Newman: Well, technically, The Country …

Shelf Unbound: Your main character says, “A binary star is a system containing two stars that orbit their common center of mass.” …

Not since Edwin Land invented the Polaroid camera has photography become both redefined and reenergized all at the same moment. Instagram, the …

Backchannel Read carefully each word in Backchannel, for you are warned: “Every word in this poem is a dead body.” Doughnuts and …

Vs. Death Noises by Marcus Pactor In the final story of Marcus Pactor’s Vs. Death Noises, a man discovers a single hair …