Bookstagrammer @BookzByEm

Name: Emily

Books Read Per Year: 80-120

Favorite Book: I can’t choose one so some of my other favourite books are The Nightingale, A Little Life, Yours Truly and the Magnolia Parks Universe.

Favorite Genre: Fantasy Romance

Currently Reading: The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young.

Tell Us A Little About You. 

@BookzByEm:  My name is Emily and I am from Melbourne, Australia! Everyone thinks of Australia as a country with beautiful sunny weather all the time, but unfortunately Melbourne can literally experience 4 seasons in a day. When growing up I used to absolutely love reading and dreamed to be an author. I lost my love of reading for quite a long time then decided to pick up ‘It Ends With Us’ during covid and well… now I’m here. I also share my love of reading through bookish content across Instagram, Youtube and TikTok. My favourite book series EVER is definitely the Boys of Tommen series by Chloe Walsh.

Tell Us A Little about your Bookstagram account And How It Got Started.

@BookzByEm: My bookstagram account was actually the first online platform I decided to make for my love for reading and although I’m very active now, when I first made it I actually ghosted the account for 2-3 years. I remember absolutely loving the aesthetic pictures that some of my favourite bookstagrammers would post and that’s where I started to get my own inspiration. I’m still definitely trying to find a niche that I like posting on my bookstagram though.

Who Is Your Favorite Indie/Small Press Author And Why?

@BookzByEm: My new favourite indie author, who I actually discovered quite recently, would have to be Rachel Schneider. Her first book which was indie published ‘Metal Slinger’ actually went viral recently and for good reason. She is such an incredible storyteller and I think the reason I loved this book so much is because fantasy is a newer genre for me and the ending just had me shook. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read! To go on from that, one of my favourite indie books is ‘The Roots Run Deep’ by Chris Strong. This book followed heavy topics surrounding mental health and the challenges that a friendship group faced. I just loved the message behind the book and definitely shed a tear (or two).

Tell Us A Bit About Why The Bookstagram Community Is Important To You.

@BookzByEm: The bookstagram community is so important to me because I have made so many incredible friends through the platform. Reading brings people together but I feel like Instagram is definitely the best place to connect. I also get most of my book recommendations from bookstagram myself because I see so many different books that I may not have seen on other platforms.  

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Article originally Published in the Spring 2025 Issue: Genres in Bloom

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