Find Your Next Podcast: The Thread, by George Kunhardt

By Corinna Kloth

About the Podcast

The Thread is a new documentary interview series on YouTube in which exceptional individuals share the different paths they have taken to lead meaningful lives. Each 30-minute episode of The Thread will take the viewer on a personal journey into the life of an extraordinary individual who explores their life’s passion and purpose. The Thread will tug at the heart and reveal insights into some of the most meaningful lives of our time.

Tell us about yourself/selves.

GK: My name is George Kunhardt and I’m the executive producer at Life Stories, a nonprofit organization that produces and distributes documentary stories about individuals whose lives inspire meaningful change. Our interviews, series, films, and educational resources cover a wide range of topics – social justice, history, politics, the arts, and culture – through the lens of relatable human stories of purpose and meaning. And as part of our mission, we provide open access to all our content for the benefit of communities and classrooms. 

How did you get started with The thread?

GK: The Thread is our latest documentary interview series in which exceptional individuals share the different paths they have taken to lead meaningful lives. Each 30-minute episode of The Thread explores the passions and purpose of inspiring figures like Gloria Estefan, Mitt Romney, and Tony Hawk. Our hope is that a more reflective conversation will not only reveal a different side of these well-known personalities, but give us all better insight into our own lives and choices.

How would you describe your podcast?

GK: In our clickbait-oriented culture, there are fewer opportunities for people to sit down and tell the full version of their life story. The Thread is an opportunity for both interviewees and listeners to delve into their personal journeys and gain some perspective on the choices and challenges we all face in our lives.

What’s the most challenging and most satisfying part of running a podcast?

GK: There are so many satisfying parts! The conversations with our interviewees, listening to a final cut, and working with our talented team are all highlights. But for us, it’s most gratifying to see the positive and inspiring impact our content has on our listeners. As for the challenge, getting our content in front of the audiences that will love our content is tricky in an increasingly crowded space!

What is one of your favorite episodes?

GK: I’m particularly proud of our first episode with Gloria Estefan. She is an incredibly gracious interviewee and was willing to share some deeply personal struggles with us. More importantly, she shared how she pushed through those emotional and physical challenges to find both peace and happiness. I keep coming back to this episode, and I think it’s a great place for new listeners to start.

What is your uploading schedule, and what can we expect from The Worst Bestsellers in the upcoming months? 

GK: The Thread is in the middle of its first season of 16 episodes, and each episode is released on Monday at 5pm ET. We’re already hard at work on the second season and it should be released this summer. Stay tuned for the release date!

Where can listeners find The Thread?

GKThe Thread can be found on your favorite podcast platform, but here are a few links for easy access: 


Apple Podcasts

We’d recommend watching on Spotify since each episode is accompanied by a video recording of the video. Youtube as well. Enjoy!

Podster is a column for podcast listeners and serves as a curator for the best of known and unknown podcasts.

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