Feature: Sandwiches as an ‘Excuse’ for Literacy Month

By Wyatt Bandt To call childhood me a bookworm would have been an understatement. I devoured books, and the only thing that (sometimes) stopped me was my vocabulary. I have a vivid memory of my parents leaving on a vacation during the summer, so my brother and I were at home with a sitter for […]
Historical Fiction & Partition: An Interview with Melody Razak

I love historical fiction novels, especially when they are debuts—it’s always refreshing to discover new voices. Melody Razak’s MOTH is no exception!
A Fullness of Uncertain Significance: Stories of Surgery, Clarity, and Grace.

A Fullness of Uncertain Significance (2021) both chronicles and explores Dr. Campbell’s interactions with many patients in his vocation as a physician.
Interview: Kim Hooper. Author of Ways the World Could End.

Fire Summer, Thuy Da Lam’s debut, is a literary tale of familial duty and the tragedies of war. I was very excited to read her book and interview her!
Uncertain Times.

We’re not without hope in our existential struggle for meaning, and here is where books guide us. But first, we have to understand the nature of our struggle, and one of the best modern books I’ve read to help us define ourselves, our needs and our world was Existentialism: A Reconstruction.
Girl + Book: Deadly Setup by Lynn Slaughter.

By Megan Lord Young adult fiction continues to become one of the most popular genres – mostly for adults. Join us each issue to find your next YA read. Released on July 5, Lynn Slaughter’s Deadly Setup is her newest young adult thriller. It’s also a dark, coming-of-age story with a bit of hope. Seventeen-year-old […]
Featured Indie Bookstore: Blue House Books. Kenosha, WI

Learn how featured indie bookstore Blue House Books in Kenosha, Wisconsin went from a pop-up shop to a brick-and-mortar store in a pandemic.
Interview: Judith F. Brenner

On May 17, Judith Brenner released her first fiction novel called The Moments Between Dreams. In a recent interview, I learned more about Judith and the inspiration behind her historical fiction novel.
Lessons from Dr. Suess

I love Dr. Seuss’s works. His enjoyable mix of poetry, short stories, and fantasy worlds are a delight. There’s the fact that he makes up words – an activity that I believe all writers are entitled to participate in.
Bonnets at Dawn by Lauren and Hannah

Bonnets at Dawn is a podcast that explores the lives and works of women writers from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries.