Reading on the Run: New & Upcoming.

Environmental factors can make writing taxing. In this column writers are comforted through transitional phases that take place in the writing process.
Feature: BookTok, More Than A Trend.

Wyatt Bandt, intrigued by TikTok’s growing popularity, researches the pros of BookTok in relation to promotion and aesthetics.
Pride & Publishing: I have written my book, the hard work is over… or is it? Marketing and Promoting your work.

Chrissy Brown of C.A.A.B. Publishing helps new authors have a plan for after all the hard work writing is done. Check out her promoting and marketing advice
Find Your Next Podcast: The Worst Best Sellers (By Renata and Kait).

The Worst Best Sellers Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast by Renata and Kait which includes debate over the quality and content of “Bestsellers” and more!
Interview: Nicholas Ward, Author of All Who Belong May Enter

We interviewed author Nicholas Ward about specifics of his compliation of essays in All Who Belong May Enter including his inspirations, process, and more.
Feature: 20 New and Upcoming Publications to Add to Your PBR.

Looking for a new book? Check out these 20 New and Upcoming Publications to Add to Your PBR.
Food, Memories, and Grief: An Interview with Grace M. Cho

We interviewed author of memoir Tastes Like War, Grace M. Cho and discovered the connection between food and memories in relation to schizophrenia.
Small Press Reviews: Truth and Other Lies, a novel by Maggie Smith.

Truth and Other Lies by Maggie Smith consists of a complicated mother-daughter relationship when the protagonist Megan has a mom running for congress.
Indie Bookstore: Browse the Indie Catalog

Recent releases, award winners, and more! Phoebe Douse: Secret Society for Special Abilities and Artefacts By L. Samuels “The author rounds out her tale with increasing suspense…. a delightful fantasy with a likable and powerful young heroine.” ~ Kirkus Reviews “Samuels delivers a YA novel that expertly weaves themes of troubled friendships, identity, and family changes […]
Feature: Popular Genres & Topics: Spring 2022 Predictions

Trends each year effect what literature society intakes. Alyse Mgrdichian bases background knowledge to predict what topics will be a hit in Spring 2022!